If I don’t have severe anxiety or depression or any other mental ailment is seeing a clinical psychologist unnecessary?

  1. You should see one just because it’s good for you. Maybe you don’t need medication, so no need for a psychologist.

  2. Therapy is meant to help. Even if it’s not a terrible problem, they’ll still help.

  3. Yes. Everyone should see a therapist. Having a good social life is key to overall health. If you don’t have a good one then you should seek help for it.

  4. My experience is that you should see a therapist once a month and don’t hold back talk from the heart and don’t be afraid to get messy. I’ve cried in front of therapists and they are fine with messiness

  5. I’m pretty damn good at moving forward regardless of the situation. I just divorced 2 months ago. My therapist says im moving forward ridiculously fast. For me…I just need someone to talk to. To hear myself speak. That does wonders for mental health.

    There is no “not good enough” reason to see a therapist.

  6. YES.

    I’ve seen people see a therapist for much more menial things – jobs, wife, friends etc.

    And generally anything that stops you from functioning normally is a definite YES. Death in a family, addiction, bad financial state etc. whatever.

    If I were you tho, since you’re mentally good, I’d try something a bit less serious than a therapist… like an “adviser”. I guess they’re called “life coach” or something, but without the Pinterest quotes bullshit. Counsellor maybe? Someone well connected who won’t solve your mental issues, but will put you in a good contact with people or groups that interest you. Chat with you casually once in a while to see how things are going.

    I actually wanna reach that state my self tbh…

  7. Think of it this way. Every time something bad has happened in your life, whether you fell and skinned your knee or someone was mean to you, in a healthy society, you would sit with someone who loves you and they would listen to you talk about what happened, maybe cry, laugh, or, if you were scared, shake, until you had told the story enough times that all the emotions were gone, then you would stand up smile, and run back to playing, as if it never happened.

    Since this almost never happens in our too busy society, every hurt that ever happened to you is sitting inside, waiting to be processed.

    Therapy, 12 step programs, counselling, mens groups, are all places to do that processing. If you watched the news in the last week, having a place to process your feelings has value. And you will think better when it is done.

    Short answer, yes.

  8. Yes 100 percent. I did it and it totally helped. Plus humans naturally require socialization so a poor social life will almost always cause psychological issues.

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