I have headed health benefits from both sides. I prefer a little past hot on the handle. But then I gradually increase it more. Then transition back to cold when done.

  1. I like super hot showers, but I then again, I don’t really like showers because gives me sensory issues. When I do shower, I prefer very hot

  2. Cold. 100%. Like far right cold. Start off warm or on the cooler side of warm and end with far right cold. I run hot naturally. If I take a hot shower, I feel like I’m getting heat stroke when I get out; and it takes forever for me to cool down. My routine is cold shower then air fry with ceiling fan and the cool breeze from outside.

  3. I need scalding hot water. The kind that when you get out of the shower your skin is bright red. In the summer I will end with a freezing jolt of water but winter it stays all boiling.

  4. I do most of my shower really hot then switch to cold for the last few minutes. If I don’t I sweat for awhile after.

  5. I *prefer* hot, but it dries out my skin so much that I usually aim for “just warm enough to be not-uncomfortable.”

  6. I do cold showers after the gym or in the summers so I don’t immediately start pouring sweat. I noticed that since I started doing that I prefer my regular night time shower to be a bit cooler than it used to be. It’s never a steam room like before.

  7. Very hot showers.

    One time when I was in the Navy many moons ago, the ship’s water heaters were at reduced capacity, so the only water we had for showers was cold. The problem was we were in the artic circle in January, so the water steamed off your body because it was so cold. It was the only time I did see line after a 12 hour shift for the shower because everyone waited 2 to 3 days between showers. It was 5 weeks of hell frozen over.

  8. Absolutely as hot as I can stand showers. Working in a dirty oily factory environment, I feel its the only way I actually feel clean and wash all that grime off. And theres something oddly satisfying watching all that grime wash away down the drain with a hot shower thats so relaxing. Don’t forget to moisturize after though, bc it will dry your skin out.

  9. I love hot long showers but my heart rate goes up 70-80bpm to where my health tracker ring thinks I’m doing HIIT. So warm, a bit of hot, more and more I enjoy cool and then cold as a break midway. I find the amping up of my system from the cold water helps the rest of the day.

    But I’m waiting on heart monitor results for what’s definitely virally caused orthostatic intolerance so I miss the super long hot showers.

  10. We have a very limited time on this earth. Why would you suffer for 10 minutes in a cold shower when you could enjoy a warm one?

  11. Showers are the opposite of the outside temp. In the summer, especially after playing sports or going to the beach or anything hot and sweaty outside I love a lukewarm shower. Not “cold” per se, but definitely far cooler than what I’d use in winter.

    meanwhile wake up in winter to see snow outside and I just want the hottest shower I can stand.

  12. Hot, as hot as I can get/stand it. I could stand in a hot shower for a very long time

  13. I didn’t know cold showers were a thing outside of like… July in Louisiana and/or 3rd world countries. To ask during winter? What’s wrong with you, man!?

    Hot. Ideally, my skin will be bright red when I step out.

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