For context, I train BJJ with this guy and I do not want to make it awkward for everybody (we’re a small town gym and only several of us train everyday and this includes both of us). I’ve had crush on him since Spring and having spent some alone time with him made me start to like him more. It’s like I want to send him a text but since we see each other almost every weekday, I can’t really do that. I am so frustrated with myself. I know I shouldn’t shit where I eat too..

  1. Another example of a woman who thinks ambiguity is going to spare feelings.

    “I want to accomplish something by only dropping hints until the guy magically understands what I want!”

    This is a recipe for failure but for whatever reason is the first strategy most women deploy. 🤷‍♂️

    Men arent emotionally intuitive creatures – women are.

    Men are logical creatures. What’s the closest distance between two points? (Point A being your objective, and Point B being your desired result.) The closest distance is, and has always been – a straight line!

    My advice: use your big-girl words. And if you arent comfortable/confident using your big-girl words…then you might want to work on that instead of expecting everyone else to read your mind! 😉

    Good luck & Happy Friday!

  2. No you have to be direct because picking up signals is so hard that it’s unfair for the other person.

  3. What happens to the Gym when it doesnt work out? Are YOU ok with it? Will he be ok with it? Think about this stuff and talk about this stuff if you do ask him out. BJJ Gym romances either turn into awesome things or complete drama laden shit shows

  4. “I just wanted to mention if you asked me out I would say yes.”

    (PS I train bjj too)

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