I want to know how I can be more charming (while being myself).

  1. Charisma isn’t gender specific and there are different flavors of it.

    I like laid back, non judgemental, go with the flow type of women. The type that know they could get away with being loud and the center of attention all the time, but choose not to.

    I get some dudes go crazy for the life of the party types too though, just not me.

  2. To me it’s about them being truly passionate about something and showing that passion through words and actions. I know it’s not very exact, but to me depending on the subject, different words and actions are involved.

  3. Playful jokes, witty responses, and an attentive and welcoming listening style when it comes to conversation. The more we see that you are relaxing and enjoying the conversation with us, and are actively engaged and interested, the more likely we’ll be charmed by you.

  4. it’s quite simple really. when you level up you’ll want to allocate some of your stat points into charisma (CHA). every even number gives you an additional modifier that you can add to skill checks.

  5. Be smart in what you say and do. Have a personality, from interests to opinions, to motivation. Be able to take a joke and make one. Let others express what they want to say but don’t not say what you want to say what you want to say something. Don’t be too shy. And able to voice her opinions.

    The stereotypical dumb bimbo is the opposite of what I consider charismatic -> no opinion, no interests, no motivation, can’t make a joke, even if she does let other speak about something she doesn’t listen and doesn’t understand, even if she has a good opinion to share she cannot express what she means.

  6. Honestly, just be yourself and don’t try too hard. Guys can smell desperation a mile away. Just be chill and confident in who you are, that’s what makes a woman truly charismatic in my opinion.

  7. Charm is a quality that makes someone attractive. It is most commonly associated with someone’s friendliness, personality or wit. Charisma is a more powerful force. It is a quality that makes someone seem larger than life, magnetic and inspiring.

    The most charismatic women that i know are authentic. They have confidence because they have developed a character. They care for others, they don’t always have to win, they are fierce and they can depend on the strength of their character because they have done the necessary ugly work with themselves.

    On the other side you have weak women that never had to grow. You can’t depend on them, they depend on you. They latch on like leeches, they try to be as efficient as possible and they are never satisfied, because they can’t be satisfied with themselves. They always wear a mask and because of that they don’t know themselves.

    A common thing i have noticed in both men and women is that when they have been through some hardships and have gone to the other side, they become more charismatic and better to be around. You have to put in the work and challenge yourself and your beliefs. There’s no easy way.

  8. She asks the question’s and initiates conversation. She can hold a conversation, not be too serious or too quiet. Someone that can talk about anything really and she makes others around her feel at ease and comfortable.

    Someone that is too quiet, does not initiate or unable to hold a conversation just creates awkwardness in my opinion.

  9. **Do not use scarcasm**. (so many people think they’re good at it, they’re not) Do not make other people the butt of your your jokes (including yourself). Be a good listener. downplay your successes in casual conversation. Be respectful of people until they’re not respectful of you, (only then you can let them have it).

    there’s plenty of books on being charming and influencial you can read or listen online.

  10. Different blokes find different thing charismatic. The right guy or guys will show you they find you charismatic when they meet you. I agree with what has already been said in regards to being yourself and being confident in yourself

  11. If she can be one of the guys and just not judge everybody around her by calling them weird and gross and nerdy… That goes a long way.

    There’s a reason that men universally adore women who behave like other men. They get the sense of humor, they have their own dirty jokes, they can be playful, they don’t take offense at everything. That’s really cool.

    If they enjoy anything that’s stereotypically masculine like they enjoy martial arts, they enjoy sports, they like cars, that’s really cool too. A woman will instantly stand out as very attractive if she has anything in common with men.

  12. My biggest takeaway from How to Win Friends and Influence People (old book that’s recommended for sales people):

    Man’s best friend is a dog. Why? Because they are always happy, interested in people, and bring joy.

    So, basically, be more like a golden retriever and you’ll find you’ll make a lot of friends and be viewed as “charming.”

  13. You know I’ve never ever considered the idea of a woman being charismatic.

    It’s never really been something I’ve considered for women to possibly be, it’s always been something I’ve ascribed to men. I wonder if it’s just something I think of platonically. The way I think of a charismatic guy as oh I wanna be friends with him, with women it might be more oh I wanna be with her?

  14. She initiate conversations and can carry them too. Not be a boring ass prude that answers with two word sentences.

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