Who do you think is the most badass female movie, video game etc. character?

  1. Katniss Everdeen (in the books I’m not a fan of the movies) is just a perfect badass female character imo. She’s perfect without being a Mary Sue.

  2. Mulan from the original animated film. She goes to war to save her father. Pushes herself until the men have no choice but to respect her, sacrifices herself for those same men, and still desires to save China when those men banish her.

  3. There are lots of great ones, and I don’t know that I could pick a “most badass” one, but at the moment I really appreciate Aloy from the Horizon video game series for her individuality, compassion, and mental/emotional/physical strength.

  4. Mulan! In the first movie she wants to save her father and goes to war to do it knowing fully well that if she’s discovered that she’d shame her family. She works hard to excel in training to prove that she belongs even when things aren’t easy in the beginning. She’s extremely witty and uses her brain to get out of sticky and dangerous situations. My favorite part of her is that she has a good heart. Even after getting exposed, abandoned, and greeted with misogyny when she makes it to the palace, she *still* gives it her all to stop Shan Yu and save China because that’s just who she is.

    Then in the second movie her badassery continues when (spoilers) she teaches the little village girls how to fight, work as a team, be strong *and* gentle. Her falling in love with Shang doesn’t make her character weaker as she stays true to who she truly is. I thought it was badass to see her being excited to become a wife and a mother but still take missions from the emperor when she was called upon. Like, her life wasn’t ending just because she was starting a new chapter. And when she encouraged the princesses to follow their hearts and love who they truly love instead of sticking with the arranged marriages ☺ AND THEN in the end when Mulan decided to take their places and marry the prince instead to spare China from an invasion (AGAIN) was just chef’s kiss.

    When I think of what a badass girl boss is I definitely think of Mulan first!

    Rant over 😅

  5. Mad Max: Fury Road came out the same year I impulsively shaved my head during a bad breakup. Furiosa was the badass, empowering female role model I needed right then.

  6. Sarah Connor. Not the Emilia Clark Sarah Connor version because she just didn’t have the same kind of bravado, but all other representations were utterly badass.

  7. There’s a show that came out on Netflix a month ago, called Blue Eye Samurai. It’s fantastic, has awesosome women from very different walks of life. Including one who is absolutely drop-dead badass.

  8. Buffy the Vampire Slayer is my favorite, that is for sure.

    Eve Dallas from the In Death book series by JD Robb (a Nora Roberts pen name) too.

  9. Warren from Z Nation. She was strong, smart, a good leader, caring, not arrogant. She took no shit especially from Murphy.

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