And don’t answer that you served on a submarine. I know there’s at least one of you ready to make that joke.

  1. Just after I bought my house, I was so freaking optimistic about my future.

    Lowest was about 10 years later which is today

  2. I don’t have a significant “highest” point.

    But here’s my lowest:

    I was deployed, about 4 months to sea, with another 3 to go. I was on a US Navy submarine. Can’t tell you how deep, but we most definitely were not on the surface. I worked in engineering. So, because of a perfect storm of bullshit, I was going on 36 hours without sleep, and had about 6 hours more of maintenance ahead of me. Then I received a Red Cross letter that my sister died.

  3. Highest: After two surgeries, I was cancer free.

    Lowest: Taking my dog to be put to sleep as he struggled to breathe in the car with me.

  4. Lowest point was holding my dead son.

    Highest point is probably right now, watching my step kids at the Christmas concert.

  5. My lowest point is probably right now, as I am resisting the call of the void pretty much every second of every day. I’ve almost completely dissociated from my life, kinda waiting to die any time.

    My highest point would need to be some time before 2005. Everything since then has been an unwaking nightmare.

  6. Highest was in elementry school playing video games. Lowest has been a running constant for last 10 years it seems.

  7. Lowest 15 years ago went trough a huge mental brakeout to the point where one of the option was even a rope, ended up in mental institution.

    Higest when i realised theres a hope and life is beautiful

  8. Highest: Not sure

    Lowest: Every single time I think about why I was born a fucking homosexual. The worst one can possibly endure. I don’t even care how the world tries to normalize gay marriages. For me its so fucking unnatural. Like look at how nature designed human privates. Dick is obviously for the pussy. Being born with the attraction towards same gender is a fucking curse I wish I’m brave enough to delete myself.

  9. Low: Going through depression and SH in highschool
    High: Marrying my wife, the birth of my children, and establishing and working towards goals that were close to impossible to accomplish within one year.

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