There is a lot to this so I’ll keep it short. My girlfriend has a mother who has abused them all their life in every. Now her mother to forcing them out with no place to go. We are doing everything we can find them housing with no luck yet. Her situation understandably permeated everything: their mental health, our conversations, etc. I couldn’t imagine being in her shoes and I do everything I can to support and help. Thing is, I’ve started to be affected. My anxiety has heightened and become more generalized, I lose sleep worrying, and sometimes I even find myself overwhelmed bc I don’t live the greatest life myself

What can I do to keep myself ok while still being there for her?

1 comment
  1. Where is she currently staying ? Can she not stay with you (temporarily)?

    As for the direct question: you are going to have to compartmentalize it. It’s natural to worry about someone you care about but if you are becoming too negatively affected to the point you can’t even function optimally anymore. You need to give yourself some mental breathing room. I am not asking/suggesting that you stop caring but you will need to take a step back to breathe before diving back in. However you achieve that will be up to you, but my suggestion is to just compartmentalize it.

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