Lucky girls of Reddit, what’s your secret?

  1. Luck is a perspective… (and there’s also a bit of self-fulfilling prophecy at play).

    So if you think (truly believe) you’re lucky… you usually will be (or at least consider yourself to be).




  2. I lucked into my longterm relationship. (Met a person in high school but missed my chance to get with them. Angsted over it for a couple of years but then had a dream that I was hanging out with that person, so I dug up their email address and told them about the dream, which led to us actually meeting up and hanging out, which led to us dating, which led to us marrying and being happy together.)

    I lucked into my career. (Went to school, got my degree and certification, applied for teaching jobs and did the interviews, got rejected several times, until one night I got an email from the principal of an elementary school in a nearby district, looking for non-contract teaching work and inviting me to an interview. I aced the interview because I was relatively competent as a person, which then got me closer to my actual job goals as a contract teacher in high school. Still working in that same district, but in my own classroom in the high school.)

    I lucked into my home. (This is less lucky because it required my grandpa to die. I miss him. His house, though, went to my aunts and uncles, all of whom have their own houses already. None of my cousins were interested in the house, so it ended up coming to me. My partner and I were able to buy it from my family for a token amount of cash, which means we own our own home with no mortgage.)

    I told my dad, around the time we got the house, that I felt like I’d just lucked into everything that I’d gotten lately, and he told me that sometimes luck is about being ready to accept the things that come to you. I’ve mainly kept my head down and tried to get through each day while having a decent time, and that has, in fact, led me to largely being ready and able to act when something important comes along.

  3. Honestly- privilege- born upper middle class, married upper class, minor generational wealth, a fair bit of generational trauma but a shit ton of genetic resiliency.

  4. Money is always a struggle, my marriage tends to be in shambles more often than not, and I am overweight. So it’s not perfect. BUT I live in a safe area, have good friends, a mainly great family, have a good work life balance, and most importantly I have healthy and often well behaved kids. And I liken these things to working hard, putting in effort to maintain my relationships and our health, and being really really thankful, specifically for my kids. I thank the universe every day for them. I do everything I can to not take it for granted.

    Additionally I think it’s karma. It’s been pointed out to me that I will drop everything to help a person in need. And I donate a lot (for someone with my income). I always do what I can to help those who aren’t lucky for me. I think karma is rewarding me for this inherent habit of mine

  5. Always think positively, that things always work out for you, and it does. It helps you easily find solutions too. Also, always be kind to people, karma is very real.

  6. I met my now husband on day 1 of law school. We moved to the other side of the country to work at his family’s law firm after we graduated. 10 years later, I’m a partner at the firm, my husband works part time and takes care of our kids, and my in laws decided to gift us a house. We are so, so grateful and take advantage of every opportunity we get!

  7. I had a shitty childhood and realized at a very very young age that it really couldn’t get any worse that this. I have been thankful for literally everything I have in my life. And nothing is really luck once you realize life isn’t fair and start to look at the bright side of everything. Then with relationships, just confidence and just being yourself. Hard to do in this crazy world but it’s possible. I’ve never really had a problem getting a boyfriend and just kinda got used to realizing there’s something about me people are drawn too. I’m a huge introvert but people always feel safe and seen around me. Met my first husband towards the end of our years in high school and after about ten years realized that wasn’t what I wanted and met my now husband while i was doing customer service.

  8. idek what lucky girls of reddit even means in this context but i got lucky simply cause i was born into a good family with hard working parents who gave and continue to give their kids 200% every day. it was shitty growing up not seeing them cause they were always working but without them i wouldn’t have been afforded the privileges i’ve had in life. i wouldn’t have what i have now without them.

  9. My dad died and the money that I got from him went to paying off my/his car. So I guess that was lucky in some way.

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