I am (25M) i have just joined a festival as a volunteer photographer and the festival is a really good place for meeting new people and making connections ans such, i am not a very social person by that i mean i i get stressed sometimes and i make myself either embarrassed or small, lately i have been changing my life around i have quit many bad habits and focused on myself and my career and have gained really good results and i really want ti work on my social skills.
Any tips would help me i just want to be able to go and fit in and be able to talk to people and be able to open conversations and start a small talk.

Any tips would help!
Thank you! 🙏

  1. The best way to strike up a conversation is to Drop A Comment. That means you make eye contact, smile, and say something simple about the situation. It could be:

    * A compliment (nothing too personal, maybe something they’re wearing)
    * The weather
    * The crowd
    * The temperature
    * The food choices

    When you drop a comment it gives the other person a chance to respond, but they don’t have to. If they DO respond, then you can get a conversation going. If they don’t, it was just a harmless comment, wait for the next person to come along.

  2. Talk about the scenery and photos along with the food and drinks that are available, follow some people to different sets and enjoy it.

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