Hopefully this is the right place to post. I have been a lurker on this sub for the past few months. I’ve always been good at reading people for as long as I can remember. I joined this sub because I love people and get social anxiety from time to time. I’m 27 years old and I am not doing good financially. Let me explain I am so embarrassed of my financial situation it is hurting my social confidence. I only make about 40,000 a year, I live with roommates and drive a car that is 16 years old. Whenever I meet new people or I am going to hangout with a group of new people I always park my car towards the back of the parking lot or half a block down. I put in a great amount effort so no one sees the car I drive. I find myself more nervous in social situations because I don’t want people to discover I make close to minimum wage at 27. When someone asks me what I do for work, I steer the conversation another direction or I white lie. Other then finances I have everything thing else in order, I am fit and lift about 3-4 times week, eat healthy, have a good group of friends that truly care about me, I am a part-time musician and am currently working on a business. I don’t make much money as a musician and my business isn’t profitable yet. My current job to keep roof over my head right is in the security industry. So when people ask what I do for a living it’s not right for me to use fancy words like business owner or a musician. I think a lot of people get a false impression of me when they first meet me especially because they see a tall fit man who plays the piano, working on a business and is ambitious. I truly believe if I was making a lot of money I would have no fear in social situations because I would have checked off every metric of success from fitness, friends, to finances. Some of you may see this as insecure, some of you may see this as immature and some of you may relate.

  1. If you don’t destroy this imaginary image you are trying to portray right now. It will continue to haunt you.

    These friends you are trying to impress are not your friends.

    Sorry for being direct but you have to be at peace with the truth at some point.

    Better early than late filled with regrets.

  2. How will they know you’re not earning much via conversation? I wouldn’t know that a security job doesn’t pay well.

    The wealthiest British people drive the oldest bomb cars. I think it’s smarter financially to drive a car until it’s really done for, not keep upgrading to more and more expensive shiny cars.

    I just think either you’re the one who’s obsessed with money, and you’re sort of just telling yourself this story and making yourself feel bad. Or, youre friends with the kind of people who do care a lot about money and expensive cars and stuff, in which case… I mean it’s up to you but to me those kind of people kinda suck

  3. Don’t be so hard on yourself. At least you are trying and working towards something. Life is hard. Keep pushing for your business and don’t worry about what others think. If your friends truly are your friends they won’t care what kind of car you drive and if it’s old at least you have a car! You got something so be proud of that.

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