I’m just super curious like some of my guy friends just say it hurts but like what would you describe it as?

  1. Only had them once and was a dull, throbbing pain and the balls hurt to touch. Made me feel like throwing up

  2. Probably like you cut period cramps in half, cut banging your funny bone nerve in half, then stitched those two halfs together and put them in your nutsack.

  3. To me it feels like a really uncomfortable pressure in the scrotum area at the base of the sack. Can’t sit or walk normally for up to half a day or if I just take care of it.

    Blue balls is a real thing but (at least for me) it only happens if there has been a bunch of foreplay and messing around but no climax. Yeah, some guys use it as an excuse. They can just go deal with it themselves. It is real though, because it’s just the pressure of the ejaculate that was getting ready to be released but wasn’t.

  4. Honestly, not everyone gets them the same. Some people claim it’s nothing and guys are exaggerating it for sympathy sex (I’ve even heard some guys claim it’s not real at all), but I can tell you for a fact some of us get it, and BAD.
    Like, debilitating, lie down on the floor type bad. When I was a teenager and didn’t know what it was, I used to get it sometimes so bad that I could barely move. I tried to describe the pain to someone and they thought it was my appendix before I said no… it’s um… lower than that. And then they got all wide eyes like WTF… I remember going to an ER and getting ultrasound of my nuts. It was very awkward for teenage me. They thought I had testicular torsion or something, but concluded it was epididymal hypertension, which is the technical term for what we call “Blue Balls”.
    Having the doctor explain to teenage me what it was didn’t make the visit any less awkward. But what I found is that other people didn’t seem to experience it the way I would.
    I mean, it hasn’t happened like that in a long time- usually I get some kind of release regularly, as an adult. But as a kid? Damn, that shit was painful. I’ve broken bones and they didn’t hurt this bad. I don’t know if it has to do with the size of my genitals or maybe the fact that I’m a substantial grower – all that blood has to go somewhere I guess? It doesn’t make a whole lot of sense now that I think about it but I can’t seem to figure out why I can get it so much worse than other people I know.
    It does still happen, last time was probably last year when someone was teasing/sexting me at work and I had no way to release until later. I came home and then it just hit me HARD. I jerked off in the bathroom, took a warm bath, and it still wouldn’t stop throbbing in my balls until I popped some ibuprofen. Fuck those guys who say it isn’t real. I’m glad they don’t have to deal with it first hand, but seriously- Just fuck you guys. It hurts.

  5. Google Epididymal Hypertention and form your own judgement. That’s the clinical definition. It’s not typical.

  6. The way I would best articulate the feeling is that it’s like the equivalent of having a dull stomach ache in your lower abdomen where something didn’t sit well.

    It’s like that feeling a few hours after eating chipotle with lots of the hot salsa and you can feel it aching in your lower gut and you’re thinking “oh this isn’t going to go well in about an hour” but in your balls and lower abdomen.

    It’s a dull, aching, and almost sore pain. Sometimes it’s enough that it’s uncomfortable to sit or walk. Pain scale I’d say it’s like a 3.5-4 at the absolute worst. To get to that point there has to be a *ton* of foreplay and arousal with no release over a long period. It’s not some debilitating thing in my experience haha

  7. there are two kind of blue balls. There’s the kind guys say they get when they’re turned down from having sex that’s pretty much fake, and there’s legit buildup. The legit buildup SUCKS.

    I get it pretty bad. I have an otherwise high pain tolerance but man… at times I thought I had testicular torsion, but it was just blue balls. I’d spend what felt like forever laying in bed massaging my lower stomach area to try to get some relief. It kind of worked, and so did jerking off lol. Even then, it would take some time afterward before I felt normal again.

    Haven’t had that issue in a while now and I’m thankful.

  8. They feel like white ones, browns one, yellow ones….never met a blue dude so I cant say how his balls feel though.

  9. Best way I can describe it is it isn’t like getting freshly kicked in the nuts, rather the dull, soul deep throbbing after that pulses all the way up into your abdomen if it’s a particularly bad case. It’s pretty much the only time you would ever hear a man say that he wishes he didn’t even have the things to begin with.

  10. I’ve never had that before. If I’m aroused and I can’t orgasm, I just maintain an erection or just do something else until my horniness goes away.

    I honestly thought that the whole blue balls thing was a myth.

  11. Never really noticed anything. If anything, the need to bust my load is mainly felt in my dick. Either a hardon, or at least a semi.

  12. Never had it a single time. No idea what it’s even supposed to feel like or be, I’ve been in all of those situations and never felt even a slight twinge, just disappointment and a need to get off, but never ever pain.
    I for sure 100% thought (well… think, still) that it’s just in some guys head, often played up for sympathy.

  13. Is that a real thing? I thought it was just an expression. My balls have never hurt or been blue.

    I have been in situations where I was making out with a girl but she didn’t want to go all the way. That was pretty much torture, but no actual pain in my balls.

  14. I wouldn’t know, when I fail the attempt I just come home and rub one out like genie in the lamp

  15. Bound in ache’s embrace,
    Tightness whispers silent pain,
    Strain etched on each breath.

  16. It’s like the pain when you hit your thigh at the sharp corner of the bed / table while going around it at high speed. But only this one is permanent. It’s a deep, strong pulsating pain that completely debilitates you and goes up high into your abdomen, almost into your chest. Your insides feel immense pain and pressure. Also there’s no position that can make it any better, and any movement makes it worse. Much worse.

  17. There’s no way to explain it because it’s pretty unique. Nothing else we experience is ever as unpleasant as any kind of pain in our balls. Which is why I find it hard to believe that giving birth is more painful that being kicked in the balls. No man has ever been kicked in the balls and then later on said “I think it’s time I had another one. What do you think, honey?”

    But I digress. If you don’t have balls, I don’t think there’s really a good way to describe it accurately. But if I had to guess, I’d say it’s probably our equivalent of period cramps. Then again, I have no idea what period cramps actually feel like, so idk. It just hurts, and there’s nothing we can do about it. Even cranking one out doesn’t really help. If we can get a nut out *before* blue balls happens, we’re fine. But once it happens, sometimes we just have to wait it out.

  18. The worst part for me isn’t solely the physical pain that radiates to the abdomen. It is the pain when touching the balls and when rubbing one out that throbbing pain when doing it. So much pain that it is tough holding the erection. But you need to hold it to release the pressure. And even then it takes a good while for the pain to fade.

    Blue balls are no joke. One time my wife “helped” me manually and orally. She didn’t know that I had blue balls and she asked what’s wrong. I replied back with the question what she meant. She said that she felt somewhat like a rush down there and then she said that I felt loaded to the top. Couldn’t believe. But that somehow fitted as the best description how I felt.

  19. It’s like an uncomfortable throbbing pain that feels like your balls are being squeezed even though you ain’t touching them. Causes pain in your balls and lower stomach area.

  20. Wow looks like I take care of BB before it ever got half as bad as these other guys.

    I’ve never let it get past mild discomfort.

  21. Blue balls happen in younger men and older men mostly. Ejaculating relieves it but it is not instant. I didn’t get it younger but I do as an older. It feels like being kicked but not quite as bad and doesn’t go away, sometimes so bad it hurts to walk. Swelling and aching pain.

  22. The other guys have described it well so I don’t need to, but I will say I’ve gotten it twice and it’s NOT fun. I had to drive home with my leg up on my dash because it hurt so bad. They are real but some guys use it as an excuse to try and get some

  23. Feeling like your bladder is really full or you are really constipated or when you have bloating/gas buildup and can’t let one rip. Extreme pressure build up and associated pain.

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