I only have a few friends that I’ve either known at school or through friends, but I have very few, it’s not that I want to be sorrounded by friends, but I’d like to know some people to get a connection with, how do you all know other people?

  1. The best way to get to know someone is to be interested in them. Ask them questions about themselves or their lives. Then, talk about the things you have in common.
    People respond if you’re genuinely interested in them.

  2. If you want to interact with new people be friendly and complimentary. Guy gets out of a nice car, say hey, that’s nice ride. Walking past people make eye contact and just smile. Say hello to people you pass in the street or restaurant. If you’re stuck in a long queue strike up a conversation about how long this is taking with the person in front or behind you. Not conversation with expectations, like phone numbers exchanged, just to pass the time. That will become easier the more you do it. Soon it will feel natural to just chat with people.
    You’d be surprised how many different people you have something in common with. 🤞✌💛

  3. go to places/do activities you like and you’ll increase the chances of meeting likeminded people there, for example; concerts, comic con, gym, sporting events, whatever floats your boat!

  4. To know people, find people first. Ask yourself: where do the people I’d like to connect with hang out? It might be based on your interests or in general.

    Then go to that place (online as well) and try small talks by noticing something common for you two. For example, person is studying -> tell about your interest in the subject. If the person looks open to the further convo, proceed from there. Every connection starts from simple things!

  5. Everyone will say be interested and yada yada.
    Fine, be interested, obsessed, idk.

    However, before all of that, you need to be a person who is actually interested in a lot of facets of life, who wants to do something, who has a strong character, unchanging opinions on a lot of things in life through first hand or vicarious experiences, you need to have a personality to be interested in people because if you don’t do this, nobody will be interested in you. Take this for a fact.

  6. i´ve kinda wondered the same, but think of it like a genuin cheat code question – what could be asked a person that will give you a telling, or real, answer from them? like, what do you ask someone that gives you information that lets you KNOW them?

    does anyone get what i mean

  7. For myself, I usually go to anime conventions and I find it super easy to talk to people there. People are usually very friendly and much more approachable. They will usually come up to me and ask for pics/ask about my cosplay and then in return, we end up talking about our favorite animes and exchange socials.
    I struggle with approaching people, but I’ve found in environment’s like conventions it’s a lot easier.

    i’ll also go on the Whisper app, into the local gaming groups, and ask if people want to game together and it’s been the easiest way to find cool people to talk and game with.

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