I 41M got ghosted after five really good dates over about six weeks. She 34F seemed like she was having a great time with me, connecting with conversation and interests, and always interested in the next date. Then, just ghosted. I’m feeling like I want to address it and say something like “I didn’t think you’d ghost me after five dates, but good luck, I wish you the best.”. I don’t why I feel the need to address it, but the feeling is there. Should I just say fuck it?

  1. Don’t do it. Stay composed. If this is her way of rejecting you then accept it like a champ.

    If you cannot control the urge to address it then just say “i will miss you, take care.” Then done.

    Block her if you need to save your ego.

    But the first option is the best from my experience. It’s classy

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