Im 17M and I just don’t get it. For example, I have made new friends at college and we sit next to eachother and pretty much hangout the whole college day together but then they never text me. But they will reply. What am I doing wrong and what can I do to fix?

  1. There’s nothing wrong, homie, they probably just aren’t the types to initiate text conversations.

    Gonna copy/paste my comment to a similar thread a few days ago:

    >Hi I’m this friend (not literally, obviously, but I do the same thing as your friend).

    >Don’t read into it, it doesn’t mean anything about you or how they feel about you. It could mean any number of things about *them*, though. Here are a few possibilities off the top of my head: they have anxiety, they’re shy, they have a busy life (but value their friendships enough to engage), they feel awkward and never know what to say. It could be any of those, it could be all of those, it could be something else entirely.

    >Again, don’t read into it. If it bothers you, that’s super valid, and is worth bringing up with them. “hey, i value our conversations, but i’d appreciate it if you initiated sometimes” or whatever. if it doesn’t bother you, then don’t worry about it.

  2. if they’ve seen you all day at school they might just want some downtime? They’ll see you tomorrow. I wouldn’t worry about it. Nothing wrong with inviting them somewhere outside of school also!

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