Okay no shady business here. Last night I was at my girlfriends house on her couch. We started messing around and she wanted to have sex. I was kind of nervous since her parents were upstairs.

So we got naked and I put it inside her. After a few thrusts I could feel myself going soft. I try to keep going hoping to get hard again but it’s no use so I stop. She asks me if I finished already so I lied and said yes. I didn’t want her feel like it was her fault or anything.

So I’m wondering could she tell that I didn’t go? Should I just tell her what happened? Also that’s the first time that ever happened to me. I’m guessing it was nerves?

  1. You should tell her if for nothing other than pregnancy prevention purposes. And, yes, you can generally tell.

    No shame in not being able to cum after 3 thursts with parents upstairs.

  2. I would tell her what happened, it’s normal, but I also just always share what happened and how I feel.

    It is possible that she didn’t notice, but I would speak about such things.

  3. Most of the time yes because it will continue to drip out later (and sometimes come out when I pee after). Sometimes a guy doesn’t cum very much and it can be hard to tell.

  4. She would know because there’d be no cum dripping out of her. If you’re ashamed about going soft, talk to her about it and sex. Most ED issues are primarily mental/anxiety caused.

  5. I full on can’t tell most of the time. If it’s just a small amount, it might not drip out after. That being said, I would probably still advise telling her.

  6. We can tell. Can usually feel the dick pulsating right at the base of the vagina opening after a guy has cum. Then there’s the cum coming out / smell of it. You were more than likely focussed on her parents being upstairs without even realising it.

  7. I can’t tell during the ejaculation. But if there’s no condom, I can tell later because he’s dripping out of me.

  8. I can tell but I’m only speaking for myself. Depends on the woman but just tell her. It’s always good to be honest. Things happen.

  9. Yes, if you didn’t use a condom she would immediately know because she wouldn’t have to clean up afterwards. One time my ex came and nothing came out because of a medication he was on. We didn’t know it was a side effect so we kinda freaked out. Man cum is…very obvious and messy.

  10. It depends on the male sometimes. If you’re about to ejaculate, and fellas up vote me if you’ve been there, but if it’s one of those good ones, she can feel you pulse and throb inside her.

  11. This reminds me of a time when I was 17 and staying over at my 16 (F) girlfriend’s parents house. (I’m Australian, so the age of consent is 16 here, so no haters!) Anyway I usually slept in the family room in a sleeping bag, and her parents used to let her stay with me for 10 to 20 minutes before she had to go to her room to sleep. So one night we take the opportunity for her to sneak into the sleeping bag and I’m spooning her and fucking her from behind. All of a sudden the lights come on, and her 6’4’’ Dad is standing there telling her to get to bed. I went soft about 2 seconds after the lights came on!

    Don’t worry buddy. Going soft because of parents is perfectly acceptable!

  12. Yes. Sometimes. It’s like 80/20 here. Normally I can.

    You were worried about the parents. Totally normal. I wouldnt lie though. Just tell her you can’t get into it because of the anxiety.

  13. You should always be honest with your partner even if it’s a little embarrassing. Communicating openly is key to a healthy relationship. Just own it and discuss it.

  14. Yes we can tell. We can’t feel it happening, but sitting/standing up after being ejaculated into, it will be a mess of seeping out. So if there’s no mess, there was no cum.

  15. I can. When my bf is about to come, I can feel his penis pulsating very rapidly inside me and shortly after I feel warmth and wetness inside my vagina. Though, it could change from one woman to another, I suppose.

  16. Sometimes as it happens but definitely afterwards when the cum comes leaking out of our pussy.

  17. We can tell. There’s a smell that the ejaculate has when it’s inside of us. And we leak it, as well.

  18. Yeah, usually. But she won’t say anything, just try to stick with saying “I’m done” instead of “I came/finished” when you didn’t. You don’t need to have an orgasm to be done.

    Anyone can be done at anytime, orgasm or not, it’s all valid and all good.

  19. I can definitely tell when a guy has cum inside of me or not. This is also a silly and immature thing to lie about.

  20. Hey man it happens to the best of us 😅. Once your guy starts going soft in the act, your brain just spirals out of control. Honesty is the best policy always. Especially when it comes to sex, you don’t want to create trauma for someone else. Women can tell if you come inside her bc eventually it’s going to leak out. If you’re healthy, a normal load should come leak out immediately. Just don’t let this one time of going soft grt in your head. It was just nerves and nothing else. Tell her now and you’ll laugh later about it.

  21. I bet if you would have kept some of your clothes on, you wouldn’t have been so scared. In your mind you were not only worrying about them catching you have sex, but also seeing you naked. No wonder you couldn’t keep an erection! Whenever my parents are nearby, I pull up my dress and panties aside and he pulls his pants down just enough to get the deed done. That way when you hear them coming you have enough time to erase the evidence. 😉

  22. I can tell, mainly because when finished in a get a strong ache/cramp inside, like some kind of reaction

  23. I can’t feel it happen and if the man is quiet it’s difficult to know but the smell and dripping afterwards tells it pretty much 😅

  24. I mean if either of you weren’t using birth control of some kind, then you should probably tell her so she doesn’t go take an emergency contraceptive with a big dose of hormones that she doesn’t need to take.

    There should be no shame in not being able to get going in that situation. Just be honest and communicate.

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