Sorry I should have put the title how can I improve being more social?

I am more social online and with close friends.

I am a little bit social around co-workers mostly the guys, girls not so much, not that I don’t want to be. I not sure what to talk around a lot of people. Also when I have a crush I barely socialize.

I don’t really get out places to meet new people. I only meet new people when I go to the night club on a cruise ship.

  1. Let’s use the video game analogy:

    Your social level is: 19

    In order to level up you can do quests or interact with people.

    A quest will reward you with lots of xp, so doing them can be quite rewarding; for instance: going out

    Interacting with people will give you very little xp, but you will still gain some.

    Now you want to level up, you want to unlock those sweet new perks, what do you do?

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