How tall are you? How tall would you like to be?

  1. I’m 5’2” and I quite like it. Most of my 8th-grade students are taller than me though 😂

  2. 5ft2. I’m totally fine with my height, I wouldn’t have it any other way.

    Short enough for the cute short girl jokes, to wear high heels without looking abnormally tall or feeling awkward. Tall enough to avoid bullying and mean spirited jokes.

  3. 5’10 according to my liscense. I’d love to be another foot or two taller.

  4. I’m 5’2″. I just want to be tall enough to reach the top shelf at work so like about 4 ish inches

  5. 5”3 since 8th grade. I’d love to be like a 5”5-5”6. a basic height for a lot of people. Not tall enough to tower over people, but tall enough to grab something on the top shelf without having to climb on the shelf or jump and hope to god i grab what i want.

  6. 5’7” and I’m happy here. I do wish my legs were longer, instead of having a long torso.

  7. 5’10. I could have comfortably stopped at 5’8, but I’m happy enough where I am. And my legs are *fantastic*.

  8. I’m 5’8

    But I’d like to be a 5’6 lady because those rascals can disguise themselves as short OR tall on any given day

  9. I’m a little over 5’10”. I’d like to be in the 5’6″-5’8″ range

  10. 5’4, it’s not tall nor short but i wanna be 5’7-5’9. i don’t know why i’ve always just wanted to be taller

  11. 5′ 11″ and rather satisfied.

    Edit: If I was a guy, that would be 5’11 3/5″.

  12. I’m 5’11”. I’m happy where I am. I used to want to be 6′ even, but it’s hard enough to find pants as it is, and sometimes shirts because of my long torso, so I actually am glad I didn’t get that extra inch in the end (34” inseam). I would still wear heels regardless, though. I like my heels.

  13. 5’10”. I’m use to it. I once thought I’d prefer being about 5’6″ or 7.”

  14. 5ft9. I used to hate it when I was young and guys wouldn’t like me being taller than them.

    But I’ve come to realise that is their insecurity coming through. Not my problem.

    I love being tall now.

    Also shout out to all the short kings who don’t let it bother them.

  15. I’m 6’ and actually pretty happy with it.
    However I would also say that there have been times I wished I was more petite so my husband could carry me around lol

    He’s 6’2 but we’re basically the same weight so…

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