I m22 partner f23. so I recently got back in a relationship after a two year break with my ex and I’m actually really happy and excited and so far things are going quite well. But my Gf got a job opportunity in a different country and now is worried about our relationship and what will happen with it. I don’t currently have my passport and little knowledge of the language of the country she’s moving too. and TBH I’m worried myself and honestly don’t know what to do. And I don’t know to to reaffirm her that things will be ok and I’m positive that I’m ready to move there and do what it takes to show my love and passion. Its been a month since we started dating and before we broke up I wasn’t the best partner and I’m actively trying to change and be better this time around and I honestly don’t blame her to be afraid because I am too but I want to show her that its ok no matter what happen. so what am I to do?


Tl;DR My gf and I are nervous about moving and I’m trying to ask for help to reassure her and tell her i changed and am willing to do what it takes to help and move with her and I don’t regret anything and i want a future with her where ever in the world.

  1. In my opinion, I feel these are the things you can do to reassure and affirm her:

    1. Ask her about the uncertainties that she have regarding the connection she has with the you. Like the stuff that she worries about that may affect you both that she thinks will occur when you both migrate. Then after that, you can come up with solutions to these uncertainties and explain to her the actions you will take to make this relationship work, with regards to these uncertainties.
    2. She may be worried that the “break” both of you took will affect the strength of the relationship and she may also think that you are not as serious as you portray yourself to be. You need to reassure her that you are 100% serious and have sorted through your own thoughts, feelings, aspirations and future, before coming up with an informed decision and not just decide on a whim.

    3. Depending on when you guys need to make the decision. You may also want to take more time to rethink your decision too. This decision will definitely change the trajectory of your future and your plans. Which also means you need to be able to plan for yourself and for the future too. To make a relationship work, you also need ample time for yourself, outside of your relationship. How will you cope with moving to a foreign country. What is the housing situation? How will you find a job? What kind of education are you able to pursue/afford in said country? Will you be able to cope with this countries practices and ways of living? Your answer to all this questions will definitely affect how you live, your quality of life in said country, which in turn will definitely affect the relationship also.

    It’s nice to see how dedicated you are to this relationship and that you are willing to do anything to make this work. But just remember to do your own fair share of research and thinking before you decide on any decisions.

    All the best !

  2. Just say that you broke up and got back together after two years. To be honest, you’re moving kind of fast. Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket. You’ve only been back together for a month.

    Moving to a new country where your girlfriend is going to be working is a very big risk and thiers no guarantee that things are going to work out this time. Besides a passport, you also need to think about the logistics side of this, such as VISA’S or work permits so that you can work there as well.

    What’s your plan in that aspect or reguard?

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