What keeps you up at night?

  1. The fact that I can’t find a job, it feels like everyone wants you to know everything even though you have 0 experience. Who in the hell knows everything they ask for in their job posts.

  2. Currently, I believe that this country is on the verge of an all out civil war. The combination of this next presidential election and the overturning of Roe V Wade is going to be the breaking point, I fear.

  3. A mosquito in the room. I have very acute hearing, and that shit will wake me right up.

  4. Finding good husbands for my daughters. Young men that don’t just want to marry into a wealthy family. Christian moral men.

  5. Usually the damn TV my wife has to leave on to sleep well through the night.

    That or the fear that I’m actually the bad guy in every issue in my life.

  6. The fact that it’s all on me. If I want something, either I have to do it myself or turn into a demanding asshole

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