Tl dr – my fwb constantly changes his mind whether he wants to continue being fwb or not and I’ve started to feel confused

I’m gonna start with some chronology and I’m sorry if it’s too long but I need to give context.

In August we went on a trip for 5 days and we had talked before it that we’re gonna have sex every night. However I was very tired because of the 30000 thousand steps we did every day so we ended up doing it only twice (lately I found out that he was deeply disappointed of that but never mentioned it then).

Later, in September, he had to be in his home town for a month because his grandpa passed away and when he returned we had a series of conversations when he told me he was depressed and didn’t want to be fwb anymore because he didn’t feel it was right (which kinda startled me since he’s the one that said that not having sex as much kinda ruined the trip for him). We continued being fwb but it was kinda rocky.

In the middle of October we talked again and agreed to continue the sex until the end of the year bc there were some things we hadn’t tried and we had promised each other we’d do. I asked him how regularly he would agree to do it and he was like – “only when it’s sure we’re gonna try new things”. So basically no random blowjobs on random places or whatever, only new stuff we haven’t done and we would do them just for the experiment. I agreed.

We didn’t see each other for a week after because we were both busy and one Friday I asked him to come to my apartment to watch smth (I forgot to mention he is also my best friend and we also hang like friends, weird I know). My intention was to be friendly, wouldn’t try doing smth he didn’t want to. However as we were sitting on the bed, not really close to each other he tells me – “I was dreaming of cuddling you the other night”. I was like ooh that’s nice and told him about what strange dreams I have sometimes (but not of him). I acted as a friend and a couple of minutes later he was like – “come here I want to cuddle, I told you I dreamt about that”. And we started doing it. Then he started being playful, tickling me, etc. and I felt he was hard but ignored it because of the agreement we made. He apparently couldn’t wait anymore and said – “I had I dream of having sex with you. I was thinking these days and I want to continue doing sex stuff regularly as we did before, not only trying new stuff from time time”. Tbh I was on cloud 9 because I really missed it as well and I agreed. I asked him tho if he’ll change his mind the next week and he was like – “no don’t worry, I know I’ve been doing that the last 2 months which is not fair to you and I’m sorry. I’ve been thinking about that a couple of days and I’m sure”. We started again seeing each other as often and having fun.

A month later, I didn’t remember why or when we talked about it, but I asked him (more like a joke) what would he do without sex with me next year – and he was like – “we’ll see, I might come f you from time time, because there would be not enough time till the end of the year to try everything out”. That sounded serious to me and I thought that maybe he has already gotten out of depression but I didn’t want to continue the conversation and I said nothing.

Everything was fine until the start of December. I noticed he wouldn’t get as excited anymore even after we tried smth new. We talked and he again was like – “I told you multiple times that I don’t find this right and I’ve started to feel having sex as an obligation”. I told him that we can do it less often then so that we have more time to get excited and he said that it’s not because of that, he just doesn’t feel it right anymore. I asked about the stuff he said about continuing the next year and he was like – “I was probably horny and it was a moment of weakness”. So I asked if the moment when we talked on my bed after he said he dreamt of me was also a moment of weakness because then he had told me he had carefully thought about it, apologised for changing his mind etc (and it was a serious conversation then) and he was like – “yes, I told you I dreamt about it and I was horny, that’s why I said this stuff”. Well to me it wasn’t like that from what I had seen and this made me feel really confused. These mood swings are not fair to me and I confronted him about that and he said that he was sure now, and every time he wanted sex he was just horny and not thinking right. He said that after we stop being fwb it won’t be as easy to get sex so he won’t think about it as much and won’t try anything anymore. (I won’t mention here that we had stopped being fwb some time ago before all these things I explained here and he only lasted a month and when we saw each other one day, we went for a coffee and he touched my butt and when I asked what’s going on he said he wanted to resume everything.)
So what if a month after we’ve stopped being fwb, he comes and say – I’ve been thinking and I’m sure I want to continue having sex? Idk what to do now because this way I’m not sure if I should move on. I feel like he’s playing with me. Any thoughts ?

  1. My thought would be that you have feelings for this dude and he uses you as a cum dumpster when he pleases. If you’re good with that in perpetuity more power to you but if it was me I’d keep it friends only with this guy and find someone else to bang

  2. He doesn’t know what he wants and he is using you for sex at this point. Just be friends, if you can, and stop having sex with him, no matter how much he begs or manipulates you. It sounds like you might have some feelings for him, so being friends might be difficult for you. This will become a pattern if you let it – you stop being fwb, he wants to start again, you stop, and he wants to start again. Where’s your agency? Does he care if *you* want to start again, does he care that he’s jerking you around? Does he care that “oh I was horny” is a horrible excuse and doesn’t mean anything?

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