I find dating apps to be a waste of time nowadays which seems to be the consensus for both sexes unless you are just looking to waste your time, casual sex, or be manipulated by someone’s lies. That being said, as a man and from what I have seen from other friends, it’s impossible to just initiate conversation without that fear of what if. And that what if ladies does happen, I’ve seen my friends get restraining orders and pending legal issues at their workplace just because the homeowner or client wanted things that was not in their estimate for repairs. They felt entitled to things, the manager handling the account explained why, and simply because they were female and they were male they played the “assault” card.


Now assault does happen, not minimizing that, but as a man that was raised to protect women, children, the elderly falsely accusing a real man that has morals/ethics is perhaps the worse thing on the face of this earth you could do to a man. Because it’s the thing we despise the most, and any man that cares about the women in his life would do what needs to be done to a predator of that sort. The prison rules mentality when it comes to sick people like that. So you can imagine how it feels as a man to be accused of something that disgusting when it’s the thing you hate and protect women against. I’ve never been falsely accused, I avoid one on one interactions with women when it comes to work, I make sure their husband is home or I document in some way, but I’ve seen false accusations before. I’ve seen the real thing before too and what that does to a woman or man (I have gay friends) and either way you go false accusation or it actually happened it’s just disgusting. So that rant aside…continuing on….


So as a man, I’m confident and have no qualms saying hello or striking up conversation but beyond dating apps and work I don’t really go out. No time to if you have your shit together and work a full time job. Obviously, I won’t date someone at work that’s a hard no or a customer, and the only other places I go to are the gym and grocery store. And both places I don’t socialize I’m there for a purpose and I am in and out. I don’t stare at women while I am at the gym, in fact I go at oddball hours to avoid people all together. I take my training very seriously. It’s not social hour for me.

So I’m just curious where do you meet people that are like minded, have their shit together to some degree (IE not in a “it’s complicated” situation, married, going through a divorce, bipolar, etc), looking to start off as friends (IE talk get to know one another), and then blossom into a relationship if it’s mutual. And if it’s not hey least you have a friend (not a friend with benefits like an actual friend).


We all say how awful apps are…and there seems to be halfway decent people out there from the posts I read…so what resource is a good spot for someone who has limited time and as a man something that’s safe IE we can initiate contact without worrying.

Yes, I can make better efforts to socialize and go out more, but I’m not the type to go to a loud bar and just drink to oblivion. That’s not me. But I will make efforts if I know how to direct those efforts positively. Not sure if it matters but I am 41 male, single, no kids, never married, no pets, I move a lot which doesn’t help, but my new position I am staying in the area for at least the next 7 to 10 years. My immediate family lives here and I’m taking care of my parents. They have their own place I just pay the bills, I have my own place. I do okay in my career, not rich, middle class? I’m not sure what six figures is nowadays with inflation.

Anyways…any advice for a busy professional would be appreciated.

1 comment
  1. Where I am, there are bars/pubs/restaurants that are the particular hangouts for older and some younger professionals. You do not have to drink alcohol just because you’re in a place where it’s primarily served. I’m usually straight pineapple or cranberry juice. The conversation is definitely less dull but can get pretentious at times. I really don’t go there for the reason you are asking. I like myself just fine without a boyfriend.

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