Do we actually need smartphones that cost way up to nearly £1000 quid for a few bonus features if all most people would realistically use and need them for is to text and take the odd call?

I have no actual need or reason to spend another 600+ quid on a flashy overpriced phone when I would only realistically use it if I absolutely need to text someone ie: a manager and maybe a couple of friends but thats literally mostly what I have used mine for its not as though they even rush to message me bc im not of any importance to them or we arent exactly besties as we used to be so I see no use in having to upgrade my phone if it breaks

Id rather downgrade…

I dont use group chats because barely anyone has even continued to use the ones I used to chat on during college so there is no need for me to upgrade nor switch to iPhone or ditch samsung. I just quite frankly do not care anymore, I would rather use my iPad for basic stuff than a tiddly miniscule iPad

So my question is do people actually need to waste 100s of quids worth all for a new smartphone to have the screen break when it gets dropped accidentally and any repairs cost more than a monthly phone bill itself? No. Im tired of having to buy them only for conversations to feel even more superficial and disconnected from others

I miss flip and slidey phones so much now I have to fork so much into getting a blingy phone that breaks so easily because its made of glass and I dont even have a huge social circle where my phone would have messages that need replying, there are no other alternatives because everyone has a smartphone these days and its uncool to use anything other than Apple devices

long posts motherfuckers…

  1. I love using smartphones because it a tv, computer, radio/mp3, flashlight and a camera all in one. I can’t imagine going back to flip phones and slide phones because those type of phones have limited features and in today world you would be held back on everything because Technology is always Advancing and how often do you break your phone? Maybe you need a better case

  2. A smartphone is very convenient, almost too convenient.
    Nothing is a necessity, but it will put you at a great disadvantage if you didn’t have a smartphone in this day and age.
    Some of my colleagues get by with their old flip phones, but if we ever got out of the office, they’d be asking my colleagues with smartphones to look something up.

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