
TL;DR: I feel like I got along very well with this woman after date 1 and she said she’s glad to have met me, but I feel like she’s pulling away and being a bit distant. I did a lot of things wrong and would like a second chance and I don’t know if that’s possible. I don’t know how to go forwards here, should I ask her to hang out this weekend and feel it out? Should I just have a direct conversation about how things are?

I went on a date with a woman from online dating and I felt like we got along very well, but when it came to saying goodbye she was very short with it and scampered off to her car quick. She texted me that she was glad to have met me but still things feel off. i was very surprised because after the first activity we did it was her idea to extend out the date, and also we walked past a secluded wooded area and she suggested we go down there to hang (we found that it wasn’t accessible) so I got the feeling things were going well but it’s 3 days later and I don’t feel like all is well.

There are a couple of things that I did wrong, first I don’t think I should’ve even gone on the date. The day before I ate something from a restaurant that upset my stomach but I thought I felt better the morning of the date I felt kinda sick but I felt like it’d be worse if I canceled super last minute, but I felt more awkward and out of it than normal. Secondly, I was 10 mins late, somewhat due to feeling sick so it was a bit harder to get moving. Third, my car was a bit messy, I had to drop off a couple of items there and she probably caught a glimpse of it, there were 2 cups in the cupholder and I had some jackets and skateboards in the back seat, I feel like this was a point in the date things soured but Idk, I’m normally not super messy but I goofed up here. I just didn’t present the best side of myself and I don’t wanna be the guy with a bunch of excuses.

Tbh rn it feels like she wants to reject me but doesn’t have the heart to do it. Again, after the date she said “I’m really glad to meet you!!” but she doesn’t seem super receptive to my hints at future plans and she’s been texting less (I don’t mind less texting, but I’m just aware that something has changed). I feel like she got loser vibes from me but that’s not who I am, I have a lot of good things going for me that has taken hard work. I really would like a second chance so I can show her me on a better day. It feels like she’s pulling away, should I talk to her about this, or ask about how she’s feeling about this situation? Should I try to pitch plans for this weekend and see how she reacts?

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