PS: No science bullshit about the mechanics of frozen time, its a magical hypothetical

  1. Walk around looking at every one frozen in time for the first couple of hours followed by clean house,read and rest. Most definitely would enjoy the peace and quiet.

  2. Relax, catch up on some sleep, do something creative, go for a walk. I’d probably go out and walk around at night, knowing that I am completely safe. Maybe do some crazier stuff, have a picnic on a highway or something.

  3. I literally fantasize about this all the time 😂. Freezing time for everyone else except me. I would just totally relax ! Cook great food and take care of myself !

  4. Might be dumb but try on every wedding dress I can find and walk around in it for a day

  5. I have been wanting some free time to work on house projects without a clingy baby in the midst. I would probably spend most of my time doing that with a few catnaps and snacks thrown into the midst. I can crash and deal with the fatigue when time resumes.

  6. I’m assuming with time stopped, security cams aren’t working. This is going to make me sound horrible but.. I’d steal. I’d go to a big corporation type store and stock up on a huge amount of necessities. Toilet paper, cleaning supplies, hygiene products, dog food etc. Get some clothes too. Nothing fancy, just basics that aren’t falling apart like most my clothes are. Same with shoes.

    The rest of the time I’d just enjoy nature without a lot of people around. Sleep. And try to ignore the feelings of guilt about being a thief.

  7. Go visit my grandma and hug her. She has dementia and lives with my dad and stepmom in another town, so I never get to see her. I visited her a few months ago and she couldn’t remember who I was and I almost broke down right there. I want to hold her like how she used to hold me when I was a young child.

  8. C-crime?

    I’d empty every register I could find and hoard the cash. I wouldn’t spend a huge amount at once, so I hopefully wouldn’t be questioned.

    Probably fuck with a select few people who hurt me. Nothing majorly bad, just enough to feel like they got justice.

  9. Got into people’s houses. Not to steal anything, just out of curiosity.

  10. Walk alone under the beautiful night sky and not worried about getting attacked. And put google eyes everywhere so when people unfroze they would be like- what the heck are all these cute google eyes doing everywhere?

  11. Time to get into some big companies and empty those registers. No mom-and-pop stores, just the wealthy

    I know where the owners of my workplace live, too. Big house. Might rob them, maybe burn the place down, force them to sell the company to someone else. Might get better people in charge

  12. Go out In nature , hug every ones pets , and also take what I need . Ohhhh and I would also look Into peoples houses and see how their lives were like .

  13. I’d steal! I’d steal money and goods that don’t expire. Raid a hardware store, grocery store, home goods/decor store, clothing, and shoe stores.

    Then, I’d mess with people who have wronged me in the past. Nothing physically damaging, like I wouldn’t abuse or stab anyone. But I’d put a nail in someone’s tire. Or reposition them in an embarrassing manner with an audience, so when time resumes, they’re naked or doing something gross.

    There’s a lot of potential here… The bottom line is that I would use the time to benefit myself and nobody else… Other people can do whatever they want when it’s their turn to freeze time. I’m selfish and mildly evil. Muahahaha.

  14. Probably will sleep for a good 12, then i’ll just binge a few favourite or new films, eat a lot of shit, basically just chill without worrying about time

  15. 1. Break into the offices of the CEOs of a few large companies. I figure I could only manage a handful since I’d have to take the stairs up and down from their top corner offices, and elevators are probably frozen.
    2. Read through their emails and figure out what their upcoming major plans are for the companies.
    3. After the time freeze ends, make some select stock investments
    4. Profit

  16. I would rob a bank and plant evidence that Mackenzie Scott’s ex-husband did it, then if I had time I’d rob more banks, then after time unfreezes I’d find a way to launder the money and do something useful with it instead of just hoarding it for no reason.

  17. OK I’m not going to go into the logistics of time freezing but somehow 48 hours still passing because its a buzz kill..

    But does theoretical me know it’s only going to be 48 hours?

  18. i’d drive to NYC and loot every major store on 5th ave and then walk around central park in my beautiful new outfit

  19. Spend the every last minute and second of those 48 hours figuring out how to magically extend it or make it happen again.

  20. I’m surprised at the lack of sexual content in the comments, good job y’all!

  21. Unfortunately I’m not savvy enough to topple capitalism on my own in 48 hours, so I’d probably steal from corporations, do a bunch of drugs, masturbate somewhere outrageous, and drop off thoughtful gift baskets full of looted goods to the people most important to me.

  22. I”d steal books. As many books as i could. And things i need , only the things i need. Like new shoes for the winter

  23. This sounds weird but I’d probably walk into peoples houses out of curiosity because I love seeing how people decorate spaces lolol I’d also just walk around everywhere since I wouldn’t have to be afraid of being attacked. I think that would be so fun 🙂

  24. Go to the local zoos and pet the animals you are not suppose to touch. I love all animals and every time I go I have to fight the urge lol

  25. First thing is get behind the wheel of an ultra luxury car and take it for a spin. Like a Lambo or something.

  26. I would find as many gas cans as I can and try and empty as many gas stations as I can. Hoard the cans in the many sheds in my back yard. Id hit up a walmart and stock up on things like toilet paper, clothing for my kids, bedding, toys for future Christmases/birthdays, dog items for my pups, non perishable items that have been going up in price so after the 48 hours I dont have to choose between food and soap.

    If I was the only one able to do this I would hit up the local trap houses and clean them out as best I could. Not for personal use but to try and stop the distribution and curb the over dose deaths. Yes I know that wont stop much but I at least want to try.

    With any time that is left I would sleep, peacefully.

  27. Break into the most expensive hotel in my area and have a fun relaxing couple of days

  28. Bake a huge batch of cookies and put them in the hands of frozen people to maximize confusion when things unfreeze

  29. Stress about if I should sleep or steal until the time is up and I didn’t do either.

  30. I would go to the zoo and try to pet all the animals.

    I don’t know why I have this urge to huge some big ass grizzly bear but I just do. Same with lions, sharks, and for some reason an elephant (are they warm? Leathery? Rough? I need answers!). I’m very torn about the existence of zoo’s but if I was sure that me touching the animals wouldn’t hurt them, I would totally go for it!

  31. Do I know that time is going to go back to normal? If not I’d probably spend 48 hours having a panic attack induced slumber.

  32. I would pickpocket people’s wallets for cash or steal jewelry off people (no wedding bands, engagement rings or highly personalized jewelry because professionals have standards).

    When time unfreezes, I don’t want law enforcement or the government be able to trace me at all. Generally, they don’t care about the public. However, they would care if businesses and banks have suspicious amounts of money missing from their vaults and personal accounts.

    Also, I would steal church money donations from mega churches. That money isn’t going anywhere good anyways.

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