i know the title might be confusing, but i am too and a i need some advice. don’t know if it’s a kink or something, but i crave the feeling of almost fearing for life during sex. i don’t know if others feel this way as well but i’m having a hard time explaining it to my partner. he knows i have a history in sexual assault, and the last thing he wants to do is scare me or hurt me, but it’s something i want to test the waters of. i want to be actually scared, i find it to be the only way i can truly feel anything. i don’t know how to explain this to my partner or ways i can somehow bring this into our sex life slowly. i don’t know where to start and i’m nervous of the lines being blurred at any point in time. how do i avoid going over the edge and also making sure my partner is comfortable with this? also, if it does bring up bad feelings from the past, how do i assure him it’s not his fault? any advice would be amazing. thank you

  1. People, like myself, who have been through a sexual trauma tend to develop kinks that align with their trauma. I think it’s a way to take back control from what happened in a safe and trusting environment. I find it healing personally. Maybe explain it like that.

  2. Ive had the same thing happen and we tried it. It brought up old feelings and the times that it didn’t, i didn’t enjoy it. I think it’s because you have the history that you do that you think u will enjoy it, and maybe you will. Fs use a safe word, this will save you so much. Have a safe word and a safe gesture (in case you cant talk). Get lots of reassurance from him beforehand. Talk it through and if he isn’t comfortable, don’t force it ^^

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