Just a little context before I start, I have social anxiety disorder and it makes it really hard for me to do anything that I think will have a negative reaction.

So, I have a group of friends and often times these two friends (friend A and B) I play with never invite me to play with them if they are playing together, or when they play together and I ask to join they leave me out. I don’t think it’s intentional, or I hope not, but it’s really upsetting when I try to join in and feel left out. However, when a third friend (C) is there, they seem to be more willing in playing group games. It’s just when it Friend A, B and me, they leave me out. (This might be because Friend C always tries to include everyone).

I didn’t mind the first few times, but it’s beginning to become a pattern and weighing down on my mental health. I want to start a conversation with them and tell them that I am feeling left out, but I’m not sure how to start a conversation without them thinking I’m attacking them. I’m a bit scared of friend B getting upset, lashing out and muting/blocking me.

Please feel free to ask for anymore clarification, I just need help on talking with these people and I’m really bad at conversations in general.

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