Is the fairytales true?

Or is there a fantastic difference between loving them or being IN love with them?

  1. It feels like your being lifted up. It’s gives you laughter, intimacy, trust, understanding and it’s not for the immature. Love is an adult decision. It should be treated as delicate as a summer flower. That should be your other half. It’s really a wonderful feeling

  2. Falling in love is unbelievable happiness. It’s a rush, euphoric even. Its incredibly exciting. But that fades – the “honeymoon” phase

    What follows is so much better. Its coming home after a long day to a quiet and peaceful house, curling up with a blanket and your favorite drink on a cold day, enjoying the sun on your face after a long winter. Being in love feels like warmth, peace, contentment, a more low-key happiness. Being understood and accepted. For me, it was when “home” went from a place to a person.

  3. It’s so many feelings. The floaty/lightness but sometimes it’s fear, sadness, jealousy or anger. But it’s always wanting to come back to the person, because you know it’s right. Not perfect, but safe and healthy.

  4. Been together since middle school, this year we’ll make 15 years. I like to think out love is a fairytale. When he asked me out it was quite the experience. It’s like my whole life I was under water, full of pressure, absolutely cold. Then when he asked, it was as if I was being pulled out of the water by strong arms and feeling warmth from the sun for the first time. Sounds cheesy but that’s the best way to describe it.

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