My husband and I didn’t have a wedding so I don’t know if this is common/ acceptable and thought I’d ask here. It’s not that he’d want to call them out or anything, we just want to know whether it’s normal

One of my husband’s best friends from college asked him to officiate his wedding. Everything was pretty normal – he got a “thank you for accepting” gift (some steak tips and sauces from some famous restaurant) and traveled to a different city for the bachelor party (all expenses were split between them obviously).

The wedding was pretty far from us so we flew in and rented a car, and the bride and groom had to rent the entire wedding venue out so we were able to stay there at no cost. My husband (and I) wrote the entire ceremony speech, and he did an amazing job marrying them.

The entire time after the ceremony we did not speak to the bride or groom at all. They were doing their rounds but never came to us, not even when everyone was dancing. It almost seemed to me like they were avoiding us but it’s THEIR wedding and they had so many people to talk to so we assumed it was because they were busy. A couple of days after we got back my husband sent them both a text and basically said thank you for having us, I’m so happy for you, etc. They never responded, but again we chalked it up to them being busy settling into married life. About a month later we got the thank you card for the gifts we got them, which was extremely generic. I’m not saying they should be customizing every one, but I felt bad for my husband because he literally married them and the card was the basic “thank you for your gifts, happy you could make it” thank you note.

Does anyone have any advice on whether my husband should ask if everything’s ok, or just let it be? The wedding was back in September.

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