It’s almost like ….

Someone else is living within me, I am just passing /wading through days almost like a mechanical existence- doing things but with no excitement in the job, in the relationships etc but deep down, there is a feeling that grass is greener on some other side.

Waiting, waiting, waiting, does it ever get better? Switched jobs but I start to hate every job from 1st week I join in, went on solo trips “in-between” job switches but that one week or 10 days really didn’t do much except give me some nice pictures.

What am I waiting for?

Is the phase shift arriving?

or is this how we become part of oblivion someday? in the “hope” of things getting better “someday”

TLDR: How do you rekindle zest for living and get out of the mechanical rut

  1. Maybe medication if your balances are off. Have you tried talking to a psychiatrist? The feelings you’re describing are similar to what friends have felt while depressed.

  2. Take a sabbatical. Come over here in Asia. Nice weather. Only 2 seasons: sunny and rainy. Food and rent is not expensive. $1K a month will allow you to live like a king. If you get bored, you can get back to the old routine. 🇵🇭 for reference.

  3. This sounds like Depression. Often times depression is a chemical change in the brain brought on by any number of changes in your body/life. The feeling of “satisfaction” is tied to a certain chemical your brain makes, and if it stops making it when it should, it’s hard to feel like anything means anything/is significant/satisfying.

    Checking your diet, exercise, time outside, and time with people you care about (make sure you’re getting enough) can help. Taking time to think/check if your avoiding thinking about something can too.

    A psychiatrist can help you get meds that will slow down the way your body absorbs the chemicals it already makes, helping with your mood.

    Or you can talk to a therapist and try to figure out if something changed in your head recently, or you picked up a belief about yourself or the world that’s inaccurate and getting you down.

  4. Copious amounts of drugs. Get stoned out of your gourd and you wont have a problem.

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