Sooo… long story shortish…

Throw away account because…mind ya business 😂😂😂 joking but personal info.

My husband & I have been married 7 years, and when we first met neither of us had much. He had an empty one bedroom apartment- no food/furniture/decor. A $300 car he got from an auction & I had a new car I was making payments on that my parents put a down payment on. We both have paid off vehicles now.

Fast forward to now… we have came a long ways. Two kids later & we’re still able to maintain a decent lifestyle.
Here’s the tricky part… I’ve always been the bread winner for 7 years- until recently I decided to work one day less a week & he got a job that is sales so his earnings are higher than previous jobs- and anything we wanted I would spend whatever amount on. I will admit I haven’t done the best job budgeting nor saving but it seems like it’s always something that comes up. He has always been hands off when it comes to bills but will expect us to constantly have spending money. If he wants something- he will get it throw the receipt away then tell me he can’t take it back. I’ve never told him “no” because I don’t get the chance to- or he will nag me until he gets his truck tires, VR game, black stone grill, lift kit, etc. the list goes on. I’ve always JUST made it happen.

Here recently he got a large commission check & sold a vehicle- aka had more money than he’s ever had in his life & making more money than ever before.
He’s been so critical of our budget when previously he never gave a shit to even know what bills we do pay. Tells me I need to work more, pay half on bills… when we’ve always split money.

He would spend my checks 3X a day a vending machines at work- but I asked for cash for a coffee today & he told me “no, you don’t need it, etc.” also told me to eat cold left over pizza so he didn’t have to give me cash… obviously I need to have my own savings… but he has never been like this until he started making more than me. When it’s my money it’s who cares?! But his money- no eat leftovers. 😅

Am I being a crybaby because I started my period… or is he treating “his hard earned” money completely different than he’s ever treated mine.

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