My partner and I have been together for about five years and we’ve had issues in bed that whole time. He can get me off with relative ease because where most women struggle to orgasm (at least that’s what the vast majority of women I know say) I can get off with a “good girl” and a titty slap.

My partner… is the opposite. On my own I have gotten him to orgasm around (but probably less than) twenty times. If we’re just talking about hand jobs I’ve gotten the following reasons for while he didn’t cum:

I’m grabbing him too hard
I’m being too gentle
I talked about stuff that he didn’t think was sexy
I didn’t talk enough
I am not touching other parts of him enough
I touched other parts of him in the wrong way
I’m not making enough sexy noises
The TV was on

He tells me that he gets distracted so he needs all these things going on to keep him focused and if I’m being honest… I’m pretty tired of not being good enough for him. Oh and he also has applauded me for getting him to the edge and keeping him there many times… Which was something I liked doing with people in the past but I can assure you I don’t try and do it with someone who hardly, if ever, orgasms for me.

I’m actually getting pretty resentful that I can’t make him orgasm by myself without essentially directing a porno. I don’t think it’s wrong to want to be able to make your partner feel good and to feel unsatisfied when you can’t.

How do I get past feeling secondary to a Fleshlight? This eats me up inside because I want to feel sexy but being with him makes me feel like I have the same sexual attraction as toothless granny.

I just want to feel like a sexual being. Is that even possible? Is it wrong that sometimes I just want to give him a hand job without it leading to PIV just so he can cum?

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