So the past couple weeks i’ve been feeling fatigued every single day and idk why. The night before yesterday i decided the stay awake for the entire day to reset my sleeping schedule. I was supposed to go to my boyfriend’s house in the night to sleep over. But at some point he stopped responding (he responded an hour after i fell asleep) and naturally i fell asleep despite trying my best not to. This was around 11pm.

He called me about 10 or 15 times until 6 am. I woke up at 6:30 and apologized and explained. He opens and reads my messages but won’t respond , it’s now 6pm into the next day and he still reads my messages and doesn’t respond.

I have to mention the same thing happened last week but more in the middle of the day (my first attempt to fix my sleeping schedule but ended up falling asleep at 4pm until 1am) and he was upset the same despite this being completely unusual for me.

I want to emphasize that this is 100% unusual for me and we’ve been together 2 years and i’ve never slept through anything before. I’ve been very stressed and think i’m having trouble with hormones (10 days late on period which is very weird for me and negative pregnancy test) Yes i’ve explained this all to him but he still seems to be taking offense

I feel like i may have ruined our relationship and he’s never going to talk to me again. What do i do?

tldr; fell asleep at my place when me and boyfriend were supposed to spend the night together and now for the past 12 hours he’s ignoring all phone calls and texts

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