I was once in a relationship with a terminally ill person. It’s important to understand that every single one of us is terminal – some just get a little more advance notice about their most likely cause of death. A terminal prognosis does not come with a free pass to act however one wants without consequences. My then-partner decided unilaterally that we were going to start being more casual because he was dying. I told him he was obviously free to do whatever he wants with the time he has left, but I get a say in how I want to live my life, too. It’s one thing if death takes him. But it’s a completely different thing if he decides to unilaterally withdraw from our relationship while he’s still alive. Basically, I told him what’s acceptable to me is we either continue all-in until one of us dies or I’m out. We shared two more glorious years. If you or your partner get a terminal diagnosis, expect changes. And hard conversions. But if you’re the supporting partner don’t let anyone shame you for having needs, too.

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