Whenever I’m at school just walking to get to class or in the lunch line people always turn their heads to look at me as if I was staring at them or if I did something wrong. And when I’m in the line to get lunch every body always stares at me repeatedly for no reason, and when I stare back at them they either act awkward or don’t react to me. I never did anything to attract this attention. So why do people keep looking at me. They look at me as if there I something wrong with me. Maybe I’m weird looking but why would people waste there time to look into my eyes.
There is nothing special about me so why do people always loook at me. When I was walking to get on my bus these guys that were walking in front of me turned around to look at me for no reason, maybe they thought I was staring at them but I really wasn’t. This is making me think there is something worng with me and my appearance and everybody is hiding this secret from me. I am going crazy from this can soembody please tell me what’s going on.

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