I (17), went to a party with a friend who I have feelings for two days ago, and ended up having my first kiss with them. The next day (yesterday), they asked me out on a date.

We’re pretty close as friends and I trust them fully, but since the party I’ve had incredibly awful anxiety, to the point that I don’t eat any food until dinner, cant focus on my schoolwork, and am incredibly weak/nauseous.

I have no idea why I feel this way. I like them, I don’t think they would ever do anything wrong to me, I trust them fully, and I want to be able to go on a date with them without being anxious for days before/after. I have been in a few short-lived relationships previously, they ended on good terms, but I had similar anxiety then, just not to the same extent as this time.

I think my anxiety may stem from commitment (this being my first real date) and emotional vulnerability, but I physically cannot do my everyday tasks right now. Does anyone have any advice on what I should do/read in order to work on my anxiety and form a solid relationship?

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