My (25F) LDR boyfriend’s (24M) passed away suddenly last night. I actually have no idea what happened or how she passed, I just saw a text from him at 3 am that said “my mom died”. I immediately responded and told him I’m really sorry and that I’m here for him if he needs anything. He read it and didn’t respond (which is completely ok). I texted again a few hours later and told him that I know there aren’t any words I can say to make him feel better but I am thinking of him and praying for him and he read it again but didn’t respond. We’ve only been together for about 2 months, so I’m still getting to know him but I know how close he was with his mom. He has been posting a lot on his IG story about how hurt he is and showing memories of his mom and describing how much her loss affected him. I understand wholeheartedly that people grieve different ways and I am not expecting a response from him if he needs space. I honestly don’t know what to do. Do I stop messaging him and wait to see if he says anything? Do I continue to message him so he can know that I’m here? I don’t want to come off as insensitive by just not saying anything but I also don’t want to bombard him when what he really wants is space. We live 7 hours from each other so it’s not like I can show any support physically. Any advice would be appreciated.

TLDR; My LDR boyfriend’s mom passed away suddenly and I need advice on how I can give support while he’s grieving.

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