There is a guy I work with, who seems to think we are friends, mainly because I’m not a complete asshole to him. Everyone rags on this guy, calls him names and in general bullies this dude. He’s a grown man, but he doesn’t seem to be all there if you know why I mean.

He has in the past talked to me about these girls he finds attractive, and how he plans on making a move to ask these women out on a date. I don’t want to seem like a shallow guy, but he is always shooting WAYYY out of his league. More often than not these girls will tell him they aren’t interested, but he won’t stop trying until they straight up tell him to fuck off or are bluntly mean to him. He gets heart broken and soon finds another women he is into. At first I thought this guy just doesn’t have a clue. However after talking to some other co workers (ones who are straight up mean to him) and they all have told me how he gives all the girls who work with us the creeps. He has been fired in the past for this behavior and was hired back (sounds like a huge liability, but I’m not the owner).

He has a history of fallowing women home from the bar, when he was confronted about this he says he’s being a good guy and making sure they get home safe. He has a history of stalking these women while they are at work, and he will just stick around and try to talk to them while on shift. Often writing songs and poems about his love for these girls (sometimes these girls have no clue who he is).

As of currently he is non stop talking about this girl who I work with. He has tried several times to get her attention and try to take her on a date. She has told him several times that they can be friends but nothing more. He is telling me all the time that he can tell she likes him back but she is nervous. This girl has told me personally several times she doesn’t like him, and I have told him that she is not interested. He just doesn’t believe me or thinks I’m joking?

Anyway what are yours guy’s experiences with dealing with dudes like this? Is there any hope? Should I just start being an asshole to this guy? I don’t really want to be associated with this person anymore.

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