So I had a baby not too long ago but long enough where I am 100% okay to have sex. It’s just not the same as before having the baby, and I didn’t even deliver vaginally (emergency c-section).

I think part of my problem is a mental block. I had a pretty traumatic experience with going from being put on bed rest one day to being induced almost 2 months early the next. I’m speaking literally—my pregnancy was healthy up to the week I delivered. I’m terrified of getting pregnant again. I want another baby as soon as I can, but I don’t want it to be before my body is ready because of complications after the surgery. This and living on my baby’s schedule has taken a lot of the pleasure out of sex. If I didn’t want to make my husband happy, we wouldn’t have sex. I don’t think about it much anymore.

My husband used to just pull out because neither of us like condoms and I can’t use birth control. It worked every time we’ve been together until we decided to try for a baby. Risky I know but we were fine with the risks. From then on he came in me every time, and it was the best sex we’d ever had. Now it just doesn’t feel the same and I can’t cum without a vibrator. Even then it’s hard for me to orgasm. It’s nothing my husband is doing wrong, it’s me.

I guess I need help getting past this block. Whether it’s just being patient as I recover and we navigate being parents, or if there’s anything I can do to enjoy it more.

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