So we have been dating for 4-5 months now, but we have known each other for a year and a half as really good friends. We are from the same office.

She does invite me home for food, activities, etc on multiple occasions. But last month she had her brother’s wedding, she didn’t invite me, Her parents know about me. Even her brother insisted that she invite me, and she did in the end but I didn’t like it (It was not in her own will, it was out of condolence, etc, or just invited as a formality)

she is planning a trip with her other ex-company friend to Goa in Jan. I had told her the same thing wherein, my girlfriend & her friend would go Goa but that’s a NO for some reason.

Now idk I feel really bad that she is taking her office friend (female) (from our original group of 4) to Goa, but doesn’t even consider inviting me? I always prioritize her in my plans, I did cancel to go to my parents during these holidays coz she asked me to stay here, coz her birthday is coming. I also would have invited her if my friends had planned a trip. She is first on my mind when planning something & i feel like I am never in her plans when she plans.

It feels like she is embarrassed of me around folks. She behaves way differently when we are together and when we are around other people.

I am quite sad because i didn’t go on any year-end big trip this year, would have loved one trip with her. I am thinking just to plan a solo trip like i had done mid-year, it was best.

tl;dr My girlfriend invited her bestie from the office but not me (same office) to a trip to Goa with her Ex-company friends. I feel left out.

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