I feel like I’m stupid to leave someone who is attentive, does chores without my prompting him, is always happy to help with anything I need. Drives 2 hours easily just to see me and brings me food on top of that. Is open to do anything with me at any time..

Honestly I could go on forever about his great qualities but … I’m just not motivated to put in any effort. He deserves someone who is. I don’t love him like I’ve loved past boyfriends. I am not interested in the things he has to say. He messes up my house, it annoys me and i feel if I loved someone that would be easy to overlook.

I would like to hear from others who have dated a really great person but broke up with them anyway. Was it you? Or was it the relationship? Am I the problem here? Am I dumb to move on to look for stability AND someone I’m crazy about?

  1. Think about how free you’ll feel afterwards and how happy you’ll be a year from now 💙

  2. I’m going to be honest with you if he makes you happy than try to work on your relationship as partners and try to create a deeper connection with him, and if It doesn’t work than I am sorry but you might just not be for each other. Side note if you could help me out I could use a female perspective from someone with more relationship experience to help me out

  3. You know, you can live this perfect on paper relationship only until the real love comes. Real feelings, real passion and someone that rocks your world.

    Better leave him now, so he never have to suffer from you choosing him over someone else. Being great that he is, I think that he deserves to be loved. You both deserve to feel what real love is like, and this is not it.

    If you don’t do it, it could leave some serious damage to his confidence.

    He will be okay. You will be okay. Just do it in a gentle way and make him sure of that it’s not because of his inadequacy, but your feelings.

  4. You can’t negotiate genuine desire. Leave or tell him to grow a backbone and win you over. He’s being too attentive and available and people don’t appreciate tha, specially women .

  5. If the feelings just aren’t there… they’re probably not ever going to be. You aren’t dumb to want the whole package, you know? This feels like the kind of situation that will just end up going from annoyance to full on resentment as time goes on.

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