For a supposedly multicultural country, there is a surprising amount of stereotyping and ignorance. At least give other women a chance?! I did not have this experience in some other countries, just totally confused 🤷

  1. Maybe it’s nothing to do with race but you’re not their type in general?

  2. Are you near a big city? Most of Canada’s big cities are quite multicultural as you know and I imagine You would have more luck there. If you already are I don’t know what to tell you.

  3. Depends on what culture you’re coming from. Dating in Canada won’t be the same as other places. I imagine Canadian men are similar to American men, so other factors are likely at play. Maybe look into your dress, makeup, hair and see if it’s fitting with the current style.

    I’m not saying you have to fit in if you have cultural dress, but that may be a factor too.

    It’s not just your skin color I’m sure. I’m literally dark skinned African-American black and white guys approach. Only ones who don’t approach are Asian really…

  4. Physical attraction is important and it would be unfair to try to force someone who isn’t attracted to you to be attracted. That being said there’s a lot more than skill colour factoring into play! The best a woman can do is dress feminine and be calm. If you’re on a dating app or website I’d suggest having a lot of different pictures with friends, some alone and some showing your hobbies.

  5. Yes, I am.

    I live in one of the 6 major Canadian cities. The city where I live in is a dating desert, and I cannot wait for the day I leave this city for greener pastures, because when it comes to dating, any other major city is green pastures compared to my city.

    As for your skin, be proud of it. Personally, darker skinned woman are absolutely attractive, and as attractive as fair skinned woman. It’s true that many men here only go for white women. Why? I don’t know. What do they see in white women that makes them eliminate every other race except for the white women? I don’t know either.

    As a black man, I don’t discriminate in terms of my preferences, but the black woman is indeed attractive as heck.

  6. >but I have only seen men here going after white women and Asian women

    Those are the two groups that make up 90% of the country combined? That’s probably just a statistical reality you’re seeing.

  7. There are darker skinned women, in Canada?

    I’ve seen many (over a dozen different ones) commercials with dark skinned men and white women as their wives on Cdn TV, but none of the reverse so assumed there are no darker skinned women (well, aside from one prominent morning show TV hostess).

    The concept therefore, takes a bit of getting used to (for me, anyway and maybe others).

    Are you in a major metropolitan center? I’d expect you’d have a much easier time of it in Toronto, or perhaps Vancouver.

    Canada’s pretty white, overall (I didn’t see my first person of colour until grade seven, and I was an army brat, went to many schools).

  8. Everyone has preferences in dating. You cannot control it. What you can control is how you present yourself on dating apps and social situations.
    As someone who has used dating apps in Canada, to be very honest I also have preferences. I’m sure women have preferences in height, body type, ethnicity as well. I tend to generally not swipe on some people.

    But I’m very attracted to women with a great fashion sense. So sometimes that could be a thing which will make me go out of my way and like someone’s profile or ask someone out.

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