I’ve been working late in my apartment common area and started noticing the same guy working late. He’ll work in a conference room and I’m usually at a bench outside it but we never talked.

Last week, I looked in to see if it was empty, and he was inside, so I left but he came out and said I could join him if I wanted. We talked for a few hours and he asked to exchange numbers. I found out he’s a visiting international student so he’s leaving in a week, but we want to end up in the same city in the U.S. eventually

Since then we’ve run into each other a bunch, and he’s come in the room when I’m working a few times (we’ll talk for 2-3 hours each time). We haven’t really had flirty discussions but we talk about pretty meaningful things, like our goals in life, somehow got to talking about kids and parenting, our worldviews, stuff like that.

I was originally supposed to leave town for the holidays tomorrow and he had said he’d be around tonight but ended up not being in the common areas (I’m now leaving town a week from now). I was having kind of a tough night and was also a bit disappointed that I didn’t get to see him so I asked if he wanted to take a work break together, and he suggested we take a walk. While walking he told me he got back not long ago from working at school

So we took a late night walk and I really wanted to hold his hand but I can’t really tell if he’s interested, and I don’t want to make him uncomfortable.. we walked close but not super close, and our shoulders touched maybe once but nothing else. Any advice on how to express interest or signs to look out for to get a sense of his thoughts? His texting style is a bit dry but in person we laugh a lot and have such a nice time

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