I work in a small office so my coworkers and I are quite well acquainted owing to the close proximity of our desks. I usually arrive first in the mornings and generally get about an hour or work done on my own. By virtue of the fact that I’m an only child with high-functioning Asperger’s I generally like to sit in silence and can go almost all day without saying a word and have no problems.

The thing is, the people in my office do seem like nice people but I really struggle to force myself to speak to them and I feel like then conversations are always forced or really awkward. I wish I could mask my lack of social awareness and appear more charismatic. I think they must sometimes mistake it for rudeness but the simple fact is I can’t do small talk or proper conversations with them, I have to force it.

1 comment
  1. It’s ok if you try and it’s awkward. A lot of people will appreciate that you tried. I have a shy coworker with Asperger’s; or at least I think he does, but he hasn’t said he does. Anyway, I could see he was making an effort to talk to me about grocery stores and it ended up being a good conversation. He’s very meticulous about his grocery shopping and I think he overheard me say something about grocery stores, so he must have saw that as an opportunity. It worked. Look for little opportunities. People will appreciate you trying to connect with them.

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