TLDR: I told my aunt about a professor who was treating me badly and she’s went to find him on Facebook, I’m worried that she’ll try and contact him.

I was out with my aunt for lunch today and at one stage, mentioned that I’d had a difficult last year. Mentioned a particular professor who didn’t treat me well at all, he was consistently very rude to me and was denigrating my work all year whilst lavishing praise on all of the frat bro type guys. I’d like to think that I can be open about that with a family member. My sister was with me and gave the guy’s name.

Later tonight, she’s went and found the guy on Facebook and sent me a screenshot of his profile pic asking if it’s him (it is). I’m now worried that she’s going to try and contact the guy to chew him out. Why else would she go and search his Facebook? I don’t want this to turn into a drama for me – what’s said in private should remain so! And if she starts contacting him, then bridges will be burned between me and the university, I can’t deal with that at this stage of my life.

I know this sounds crazy but what the hell should I do? Should I lie and say it’s not him?

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