Hi all,

I’m in a tough position and it’s no one’s fault but mine.

I (21,M) got out of a serious relationship about 2 and a half years ago and since then I’ve been dealing with a whole load of issues regarding my mental health and family matters. Things got better and then a few months ago I moved out of my parents and felt like I was ready to get back out into the dating scene again as I was feeling content with… everything. Turns out I don’t think I was.

I went on a date with this girl (20,F), we’ll call her R, about mid September, we made it official about a month ago and it’s been wonderful. This woman is an absolute sweetheart, dates have been great and I’ve had a wonderful time. We both have but that’s what scares me the most.

For thanksgiving R wanted me to come and meet her family. I agreed because I knew it meant a lot to her and all went well. Yesterday her family and family friends had a Christmas party and again she wanted me to come so I did. All was well again but I left early after a couple hours and told her I was tired. I was in fact not tired, I was terrified. I drove home thinking about R, thinking about my ex which sucks, thinking about my future, thinking about what I was doing and questioning what the hell I was gonna to do next.

Here’s where it gets a bit more messy. We’ve already bought Christmas presents for each other and last week R said she wanted to see what a Catholic service was like so, out of the heat of the moment, I said she could come to Christmas mass with me and my family on the 24th. I don’t know why I said that because I don’t usually move as quick as R did and I personally don’t feel comfortable introducing her to my family yet even though I offered. Now I’m at the point where all I want to do is be by myself again to figure out if I’m really ready for all this and I hate the idea of having to breakup with this wonderful girl especially right before Christmas but idfk.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. If I sound like an asshole don’t be afraid to let me know. I know it’s a shitty situation.

I starting dating after two and a half years of working shit out but now I think I have to breakup with a very sweet person after I may have gotten her hopes up right before Christmas.

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