My boyfriend of over a year doesn’t want to talk about our issues. Whenever I ( F18)bring up an issue that we have that upsets me, he completely shuts down and either responds in one sentence or not at all. He used to be able to respond well but since September 2023 he’s changed a lot and I don’t know why. He finds our problems extremely overwhelming and he finds me bringing them up overwhelming and takes them all as a personal attack. I don’t feel respected by him and I don’t feel like my feelings mean much to him at all because of this. I have no idea how to go about it because this is not a relationship I want to end. I want to work on it but is it even possible? I need to talk about our problems be Aude they affect me a lot, but he makes my feelings out to be invalid and unimportant and believes that ignoring our problems can fix our relationship. I strongly disagree. He thinks that if we focus on having a good time together instead of talking about our problems things could get better, but I feel like he’s just trying to run from having to communicate with me. I need genuine advice, we are still both young and we make a lot of mistakes. I don’t know how to go about this without advice.

TL DR; my boyfriend doesn’t want to communicate and I don’t know how to fix it

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