First of all, I’m not here to brag or anything. This is a throwaway so it literally gives me 0 benefits, apart from needing advice.

A while ago I met this lesbian couple (I’m a M) and we became best friends since then. They keep on flirting with me, throwing sexual remarks and jokes to me. But it just feels wrong when I try to flirt back, because they’re a couple and I’m very supportive of their relationship and I don’t want either of them to feel like I’m trying to steal their partner. I would be heartbroken myself if they broke apart because I just like them so much.

Flirting with people in a relationship is a no go for me personally, but I don’t know if this situation is different, considering both of them are doing it to me in the first place? I don’t really know how to proceed with this, considering its actually the first time I’m having female friends in my life. I’m sorry if I come across as clueless or anything, I’m just not very socially skilled.

  1. Just ask. No surer way to the truth than that.

    Don’t get caught up in the “am I gonna sound weird if I ask this” thing. You’re already weird.

    So may as well.

    I will add though, would you do it if it was a woman and a man flirting with you? Or two men? Would you still be curious if you should flirt back then?

  2. Are they flirting because that’s what they’re like and they joke around with it a lot, or are they giving you special treatment of flirting?

  3. If you keep it lighthearted like they do and they get a laugh out of it then I think you have your answer. I also think it needs to be directed towards both of them, rather than singling an individual out.

    Having a joke not land sounds better than asking if you have permission to reciprocate jokes and playful behavior

  4. Are you sure they’re lesbian and not bi have they said to you they are lesbians?

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