My (21f) husband (26m) and I have been together about 3 years and married since July. He was my first, and I haven’t had sex with anyone else. I lost my virginity to him about a year and a half ago.

We’ve had a pretty healthy sex life the whole time. Sex several times a week, occasionally everyday and less often multiple times a day. He’s amazing with his fingers, both for my clit and vagina.

The past month or so I haven’t been getting any pleasure from that at all. I’ve been having trouble orgasming in general, but I can still get pretty close with my vibrator. Even though he’s very respectful and backs off as soon as I indicate that I don’t want his fingers there, the past two weeks I’ve felt almost disgusted whenever he starts to finger me. Oddly enough (to me at least), the problem does not extend to his dick.

Last night in particular was the worst it’s gotten. I encouraged the fingering, hoping that I could experience the pleasure. But it actually turned me off so bad that I ended up not enjoying anything.

I really hate this. Physical touch is our main love language and it’s how we bond best. It’s an awful feeling to lose a part of that.

The only thing I can possibly think may be affecting it is that I’ve my body image issues have been getting worse. But wouldn’t that affect other aspects of sex as well?

I feel like I should mention that I’ve NEVER enjoyed oral. Despite him being my only partner, I know that he’s really good at that, too.

I’d appreciate any insight or recommendations!

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