Whenever I’m talking to someone or in a group of people and I start to talk, I always feel like I have nothing to say, or at least nothing interesting. Its not just that I feel I have nothing to say, but also that the interesting things I *do* have to say, I can’t seem to tell in an interesting way. Like I know someone who I talked to about the look of the interior of a house and oh my god, he spoke so enthusiastically. Not only that, but he also talked for such a long time about such a small topic, and kept it interesting the whole time! As opposed to me where I’ll go on the most fun adventure or do something for the first that that left me thrilled, but be unable to describe how exactly it made me feel amazing and what made it such an amazing experience, with my stories usually lasting only about 10 minutes at most. I want to be able to talk like my friend, I want to be able to just talk about the things I do and make them sound as interesting as they were to me.

Is there a way for me to do this? How can I get better at having things to say?

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