Hey yall!
Never thought i would write about this, but here we are.
This is my first ever reddit post, so if it looks a bit messed up, spare me.
English is just my second language, so please forgive my mistakes.
So i have a girlfriend, for her anonymity we will call her Sarah(22F)
I am a 24 year old guy, we been together for 2 years, she is an amazing partner and an even better friend, we never had any fights or issues, we been inseparable since we became official.
We met in a pub, she instantly became friendly, and in like 2 weeks, i found myself with a relationship with her.
She works part time, while doing her degree, i work full time.
Everything amazing, we split the chores(we live in my house, she moved in about 1.5 years ago) we go on dates on a regular basis, but here comes the catch..
For the first 2 months we didn’t had any intimacy because we wanted to build something special, and i was all in for that.
After the 2 months, we had intimacy a few times, and it was amazing, we explored together, given that we were both virgin.
As the months progressed, her sex drive just grew and grew. To the point that we had to abandon the dates, as soon as she comes home, she eats, shower and sex until she is completely spent. Everyone’s dream right?
Well, it got the point that i can’t do it anymore.
Don’t get me wrong, i love our lovemaking, and i have a bigger sex drive than the average i think, but i just can’t keep up, hours without end, when i try to initiate some plans on the weekends or something, she immediately turns it down, saying there is nothing better to do than sex, and it’s starts to wear on me, I told her that she might be a nymphomaniac, but she laughed about it.
We had a few conversations about the situation but i never got my point through, because as soon as she had the right to speak, it’s just turned into another night of sex.
I tried to hint to see a therapist, which she laughed about, saying she doesn’t need anyone’s help or advice, especially a therapist.
I don’t know how long i can keep up with this, i wake up in the morning sore and restless after every night, this started to affect my work too.
I don’t want to break up with her because i love her more than anything, given that i don’t have a good relationship with my family.
Im afraid if i start to lack in intimacy, she would look for other options to feed her insatiable urges, she loves me, but i don’t know if that love is enough in the face of her urges.

Would love if anyone went through this, and could give some advice, or tips or anything to stop this before i lose her.

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